Wednesday, July 2, 2014


As you contemplate the world we live in, you are astounded by its many wonders.  Surely it must have been an intelligent God to create all these.  Then this wonder we experience turns to praise and thanksgiving.  How grateful we should be to a loving God, creating all this beauty and harmony in nature, even giving man space for legitimate freedom for movement and activity, within the bounds of the law of justice, discipline and love for one another.

Sure indeed if our lives would recognize the many wonderful things God has created in nature around and the people He has brought close to us in love and friendship, we can only dream of making our lives a song of gratitude to God Almighty who has surrounded us with so much love and beauty in the people and events around us.  It’s a matter of a positive, humble and grateful attitude that sees the happenings and events of life as things that can be of benefit to us.

 “For those who love God all things work together unto good” (Rom. 8:23).

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