Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fundamental Options

Amid the crevices and complexities of this earthly life, with all the push and pulls of the allurements and temptations, deep in your heart you must have that craving for the truth. This might sustain you, amid the pitfalls of your mistakes, human as we are.

Most probably, the great St. Paul and St. Augustine showed such a sincere quest in their hearts as they sought for an answer to the mystery of salvation. We know of the background of their lives, as St. Paul at first fiercely persecuted the Church, and St. Augustine had a wayward youth history. Hence, what the Lord had said, is something true and basic, infallibly, since God's word can't lie nor be mistaken. "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened for you. For the one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened to him" (Mt. 7:7). Of course, behind all that must be the sincerity of the heart seeking for the truth.

Evidently, that explains, with the help of God's merciful grace that is given to the truthful hearts, the conversion of those great personalities of our faith, as a St. Paul, a St. Augustine and all the Saints, for that matter.

The Jewish convert to Catholicism (a Carmelite), martyr and co-patroness of Europe and a protagonist of genuine feminism, had most truly said: "He who seeks the truth, seeks God, whether he is aware of it or not" (St. Edith Stein). She was canonized to sainthood by the great Pope John Paul II, on the 11th of October of 1998, close tro the opening of the world's 3rd millennium. She too wisely remarked: "Do not accept anything as the truth if it lacks love. And do not accept anything as love which lacks truth" (St. Edith Stein).

Surely one observes in our world false loves and false teachings, tending to deceive people. Many movements came under the guise of love but exploited the people.

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