(and evading false ideologies)
It does help to understand when we get to the etymology or source of a word, then too that might help us avoid further mistakes or misunderstanding. A book of proverbs in the Bible says: Vir oboediens loquetur victoriam (Prov. 21:28) -- literally translated:The obedient man shall speak of victory. Some versions of the Bible translate this verse: "the false witness will meet his doom, but the speech of the obedient will always be heard."
In the dictionary, ideology denotes a manner or content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group or culture. If we are to avoid the false ideologies, or false teachings that brought in its wake so much harm and injury, even violent conflicts, we must listen in faithful obedience to the voice of the Church to whom Jesus promised protection and guidance. Those destructive ideologies came in the past, yet we know as all lies came from the devil (cf. Jn. 8:44), there are still existing ones today waiting to pounce on unsuspecting minds or simpleminded folk who then will think they "know everything" and won't care to listen to the legitimate authorities in the Church. As is said: "a little knowledge is dangerous". We must therefore protect ourselves by remembering Christ's infallible promises: "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Chuch. And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loosed in heaven" (Mt. 16:18-20). Amid Church discussions and controversies, St. Augustine spoke the famous sentence: "Roma locuta est causa finita est" (Rome has spoken; the issue is ended). That meant, in the unity of the Roman Catholic Church, the supreme and ultimate guiding voice or decision comes from the Holy Father, the Pope, at present Pope Benedict XVI.
One penitential prayer echoes the sentiment of the Church against divisive ideologies that engender disharmony. "Lord Jesus, you came to reconcile us to one another and to the Father (Lord have merch); Lord Jesus, you heal the wounds of sin and division (Christ have mercy); Lord Jesus you intercede for us with your Father (Lord have mercy).
Yes, God in His Son Jesus Christ wants us to be reconciled and to love one another, including our enemies (cf. Mt. 5:38-48). Yes, to love every person with a universal reconciling love (cf. Mt. 5:23); this love goes against the false divisive ideologies of the false prophets who are like "wolves in sheep's clothing"(Mt.7:15) breeding destructive conflicts that originate from the devil "who is a murderer and the father of lies" (Jn. 8:44).
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