Thursday, December 18, 2014

A transitory life

When we ponder on the life we live in this world we know our lives pass away, human as we are.  We can only thank the Lord for His goodness, giving us all the people we love and those who care for us, reflecting the very goodness of an almighty and provident God.   No one can deny, as the years and centuries go by, that here is a God who truly cares for us and provides for our needs, so long we endeavor to do our part in keeping His laws of justice and righteousness, and truly place our trust in His loving care and protection.

As the Saints of ancient days did acclaim: “Soli Deo omnis honor et gloria” (To God alone belongs all the honor and glory).  That is what we are to humbly pray for: that our humble lives bring honor and glory to the Almighty God, who rules the world and prepares the reward that is due to every man or woman for all the good they have done in this earthly existence. 

A heartfelt tribute to all the good people who lived lives of true service to God and their fellow men and inspiring example for new beginnings and to last for always! 

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